MEMBERS of Guardian Camera Club were perfectly matched as they joined in with the weekly challenge, which was pairs.

We ask members to submit their favourite photos each week as well as images based on a theme.

Hot on the heels of gardens in bloom and churches, we've had some perfect pairs and cute couples.

Lynne Bentley spotted double trouble, Donna Maria Long saw a couple of tiger lillies and a pair of blue tits were in the frame for Andrew Gardner.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and you can join 618 others in our camera club on Facebook at

A breeding pair of mute swans by Eloise Pickering

A breeding pair of mute swans by Eloise Pickering

A couple of tiger lillies by Donna Maria Long

A couple of tiger lillies by Donna Maria Long

A couple of blue tits by Andrew Gardner

A couple of blue tits by Andrew Gardner

A couple of Mandarin ducks by Lisa Lacking

A couple of Mandarin ducks by Lisa Lacking

A pair of bulbs and blossom by Stacey Jones

A pair of bulbs and blossom by Stacey Jones

A pair of grumpy pigeons by Alan Bailey

A pair of grumpy pigeons by Alan Bailey

A pair of tree trunks by Sam Holden

A pair of tree trunks by Sam Holden

A couple of moorhen babies in Winsford by Donna Maria Long

A couple of moorhen babies in Winsford by Donna Maria Long

A pair of water lilies by Miriam Elder

A pair of water lilies by Miriam Elder

Bottoms up! by Lisa Lacking

Bottoms up! by Lisa Lacking

Double trouble by Lynne Bentley

Double trouble by Lynne Bentley

Old Barge and Butty at Anderton by Lynne Bentley

Old Barge and Butty at Anderton by Lynne Bentley

Twin lambs near Delamere by Paula Manley

Twin lambs near Delamere by Paula Manley

Great crested grebes at Marbury Park by Andy Conboy

Great crested grebes at Marbury Park by Andy Conboy

Two crocuses by Wendy Mahon

Two crocuses by Wendy Mahon

Two for joy by Janet Rourke

Two for joy by Janet Rourke

Two little ducks by Chalene Gibson

Two little ducks by Chalene Gibson