AFTER being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last year, Middlewich’s new Rose Queen is determined to use her platform to spread awareness of the condition and inspire others.

Niamh Pugh was crowned Middlewich Rose Queen at Middlewich Rose Fete 2023 and described the event as like ‘being in a Disney film’.

The 13-year-old will now be fundraising for Diabetes UK, using her time in the role to inspire people who struggle with health problems.

Niamh explained: “This year I will be supporting Diabetes UK. That is because I have type one diabetes - and my friend also has it - but the biggest reason is because last year I lost my dog to diabetes-related problems.”

The Middlewich High School pupil was diagnosed with diabetes early last year after her mum met up with her diabetic friend’s mum and described her daughter’s symptoms.

“The most common signs are being thirsty, feeling like you want to be sick, and being really tired; they are the main ones, but everyone can have different signs,” Niamh explained, who was also very pale and had been losing weight.

“I’m glad I was diagnosed because the doctor said if I didn’t come in when I did and I went to a dance competition, I would have been coming out in an ambulance.

Northwich Guardian:

“Since I have been diagnosed, it’s helped me come to terms with it.”

Niamh now wears a sensor to help manage her diabetes, and she’s keen to spread awareness about the misconceptions surrounding the condition.

She told crowds at Middlewich Rose Fete: “It is incredibly hard to explain just how difficult this condition is to manage, and I hope that by being the Rose Queen I will be able to use this platform to raise awareness of this condition and dispel some of the many misconceptions around it; for example, we can eat cake!”

So far, Niamh is planning on attending fetes at local primary schools and a care home to fundraise for her chosen charity.

Middlewich Rose Fete 2023 was a huge success, with the sun shining and the community coming together to celebrate.

There was a great turnout to watch the street parade, and several local groups, including the Brownies, Rainbows and Quicksteps Dancing School, took part.

Niamh’s beautiful Rose Queen dress was made by her mum Carole, who runs Glitterati, a business making made-to-measure dance dresses and costumes.