PLANS to build 10 semi-detached homes on the site of a demolished church in Northwich have been recommended for approval.

ILA UK Ltd submitted plans to Cheshire West and Chester Council to build the properties off Dyar Terrace in Winnington on the site of the former St Luke's Church, bulldozed in 2015.

The scheme would see the two and a half storey dwellings built, with off-road parking for two vehicles and a community green space created towards the east of the site.

But, while generally supportive of the scheme, residents have raised concerns over potential traffic and parking issues the development could cause in Dyar Terrace. Anti-social behaviour concerns over the community garden area were also raised.

The application has been called in to the planning committee by Cllr Robert Cernik on behalf of local residents and it is set to be discussed at a meeting on March 7.

In their report recommending approval with conditions, a council officer said: "The development would make an appropriate financial contribution towards mitigating the impact upon education provision in the Northwich locality and it is also capable of making a contribution to the provision for affordable housing off-site.

Northwich Guardian: St Luke's Church as it was being demolished in 2015St Luke's Church as it was being demolished in 2015 (Image: Newsquest)

"The application proposes an acceptable form of development which would ensure good quality design and safeguard suitable levels of amenity for both future and existing residents.

"Subject to conditions being imposed, the proposal would not give rise to any significant adverse impacts on the operation of the local highway network, the health and well-being of residents, biodiversity quality or flood risk."

Commenting on the plans on the council's online planning portal, one Dyar Terrace resident said: "The loss of parking to the southside of Dyar Terrace as a result of the development, and the proposed liner parking bays for two vehicles per unit, are likely to put increased pressure on street parking along Dyar Terrace and surrounding roads.

"It is also a concern the turning sweep of vehicles entry and egress to the development will increase the risk of highway safety issues due to regularly parked vehicles on north side of Dyar Terrace (due to a lack of off road parking).

"A number of mitigating measures have been proposed by the developer, which are welcome, but may not fully address these concerns."

To view the plans in more detail, search reference 22/00344/FUL on the planning portal.