A PETITION has been launched online appealing for Middlewich High School to scrap mixed academic ability classes after some pupils believe they ‘aren’t getting the best out of their education’.

The petition calls on the school to reinstate classes based on academic ability in all subjects to stop higher ability students being ‘held back’ by those who need extra guidance.

The petition – which was set up by a student and, as of November 30, has 314 signatures – states: “The higher ability students feel as though they are being held back a little bit by the lower ability students as they are needing more time on certain aspects of a subject the higher ability students may find easy.

“This puts a lot of pressure on teachers also, as they need to try and plan out lessons to fit everybody’s level of ability.

“Many students feel as though they aren’t getting the best that they could possibly be getting out of their education.”

A comment left by a fellow pupil adds: "I feel I am not learning as much as I possibly could, and by the time I need to know everything (GCSE), I won't know half of it."

However another said: "I personally feel the mixed ability sets are turning out OK in terms of lessons, but the school have made the people in the classes all the same, so if you are with a disruptive student in one of your lessons, you are with them for almost all of your lessons.

"The lessons are not tailored as well as they could be towards students’ educational levels, however I believe the school is doing a good job at working individually with students to give them extra work outside lessons or support inside the lessons as and where needed."

Headteacher Heidi Thurland said mixed ability groups help create ‘equal expectations and opportunities’ for all students, and classes will be reviewed to ensure ‘interpersonal dynamics’ are right.

“Since my appointment as headteacher it has been my stated aim to improve the quality of education at Middlewich High School,” she said.

“I am determined that all our students receive the highest standard of education.

“The impact of our work has led to improved outcomes across the school, and we are determined to build upon this.  

 “In order to further improve the quality of education for all students, mixed attainment teaching in some subjects is part of this journey.

“This helps create equal expectations and opportunities for all students and provides them with the same resources.

“It eliminates the possibility that some students miss out on hearing academic talk and engaging in higher-order thinking.

“Colleagues are being supported to ensure that lessons are appropriately challenging for all students.

“We will continue to review the groups, making sure that interpersonal dynamics are right.

“Our quality assurance process focuses on frequent lesson visits and work scrutiny by myself and members of my senior leadership team to ensure that lessons are being pitched at the correct level and with no child left behind. 

“We have provided an information evening to take our families on this journey with us and enable them to understand the rationale behind this research informed approach.”