A WINSFORD primary school is ‘delighted’ with its latest Ofsted report, as it strives to continue its progress and look forward to a ‘bright future’.

Oak View Academy, in Whitby’s Lane, was rated ‘good’ at an Ofsted inspection in 2017.

And the education watchdog visited the site last month for an ungraded inspection (carried out every four years once a school has been graded good to confirm the school remains good), concluding there had been no change in the school’s overall judgement.

The report states: “Each morning, staff provide a warm welcome for pupils and children in the early years.

“Leaders ensure that a caring and nurturing ethos underpins all aspects of their work. They set high expectations for behaviour.

“Staff and leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

“Pupils and children are happy, safe and well-looked after.”

But Ofsted inspectors noted that while ‘the quality of education has declined since the previous inspection’, new leaders have developed ‘a broad and balanced curriculum that matches the ambition of the national curriculum and the early years foundation stage’.

The report praised the recent improvements made by school leaders, including how quickly they identify pupils who may have SEND.

Interim headteacher Phil Sharrock put plans in place to further improve the school earlier in the term.

Mr Sharrock said: "We are naturally delighted with the Ofsted report which reflects the hard work and dedication of staff who truly care about our children.

“We are really pleased with the outcome and look forward to continuing to develop our lovely school in the future."

Michael Forber, NWAT, added: "Oak View Academy has been part of NWAT since 2014.

"In that time, we have made significant improvements to every aspect of our educational provision.

"As a trust we work hard to maintain momentum and continually strive to improve, because we want all our pupils to have the best possible education.

“We are at an exciting stage in Oak View Academy's evolution and I'm looking forward to a bright future."   

Ofsted stated the school’s next inspection will be a graded inspection to ensure the establishment's 'good' rating is accurate.

Inspectors said: "The evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a graded inspection were carried out now.

"The next inspection will therefore be a graded inspection."