Our part of Cheshire has weathered many storms – some literal, others caused by external events, and none more so than in recent months.

No sooner had we Eddisbury residents begun our Covid recovery than the terrible war in Ukraine brought devastation to their people and huge repercussions for global markets.

It’s meant tough times and a requirement to support those most in need. So what help is on offer?

Support for households:

The Government has already made Universal Credit and the National Living Wage more generous, as well as freezing fuel duty yet again, but additional support now includes:

  •  Energy Bill Discount: £400 off energy bills.
  • Cost of Living Payment: A payment of £650 this year for households on benefits.
  • Disability Cost of Living Payment: A additional one-off £150 payment to help with extra costs for individuals on disability benefits.
  • Pensioner Cost of Living Payment: An extra one-off £300 payment for pensions as a top-up to the Winter Fuel Payment.
  • Energy Price Guarantee: A typical household will save at least £1,000 a year, the average flat will save £700, based on usage.
  • An additional discretionary fund for those outside schemes, including those not on standard gas/electricity contracts.

The Energy Price Guarantee comes in addition to the £400 Energy Bills Support Scheme, and the most vulnerable will continue to receive £1,200 in support over the year.

Support for businesses:

While most non-domestic customers are on fixed-price energy deals, some are not. Businesses didn’t benefit from the regulator’s price cap, so the Government announced the new Energy Bill Relief Scheme, providing a discount on wholesale energy prices.

This will include UK businesses, charities and the public sector, and if they are not connected to the gas or electricity grid, equivalent support will be provided for those which use heating oil or alternative fuels.

Public sector payrise:

To combat the impact of inflation on salaries, the Government announced pay rises for over 2.5 million public sector workers:

  • Over a million NHS staff will receive a pay rise of at least £1,400.
  • Police will get a £1,900 salary uplift.
  • Teachers will benefit from pay increases of between 5 per cent and 8.9 per cent, intended to attract talent.
  • All members of the Armed Forces will receive an increase in base pay of 3.75 per cent.

I’m sure there are other ways in which Eddisbury can be supported through these difficult times.

So I will continue to listen to your own experiences and ideas, and ensure they are heard loud and clear at the heart of government.

To get in touch with Edward Timpson CBE KC MP about this or other national or local issues, please visit edwardtimpson.com/contact, where you can also sign up for Edward’s Eddisbury Report e-newsletter.