POLICE have issued a stern warning to yobs behaving anti-socially with an air rifle.

It comes after a Middlewich resident was struck by a metal pellet while they were in their own garden.

Other residents have also reported finding pellets in their gardens which appear to have been fired from air rifles.

Cheshire Police has warned that it is against the law to use such a weapon in a reckless manner in a way which could damage or destroy property or endanger life.

In an update, the force’s Middlewich Police team said: “We have had reports of residents finding metal air rifle pellets in their gardens.

“One incident involved a resident being hit in their own garden.

“Please be mindful if you own an air rifle that It is an offence to have an air weapon with intent to endanger life, as well as intent to damage or to destroy property, or to be reckless as to whether property would be damaged or destroyed.

“It is also against the law to deliberately kill pets, certain wild animals and birds.”