GREENKEEPERS in Winsford are celebrating after getting recognition for their hard work at one of the town's bowling clubs.

Wharton Recreation Ground Park has been awarded the Best Kept Bowling Green of the Year Award by the Mid-Cheshire Bowling Association.

The bowling green was chosen out of 31 other greens across mid Cheshire for the award, which has been handed out since 1981.

The award will be presented to the team at an AGM to be held at Owley Wood in January 2023.

Winsford town mayor Cllr Joanne Moorcroft said: “This is a great result for the town and for the bowling club and is a fitting award for all the hard work we have put into making sure the bowling green is kept to the best possible condition.

"Our bowling facilities are very important both to the town council and also to the community.

"Bowls is a sport which can be played by anyone at any age and having great bowling greens will help to bring more people into the sport."

Wharton Recreation Ground is owned and managed by Winsford Town Council and bowling is offered there between April and September each year.

If anyone is interested in taking up the sport, please contact the town council at