Winsford Town Council is considering joining a scheme which aims to eradicate gender-based violence.

Members are being asked to vote on whether the council should apply for White Ribbon accredited status at its next meeting on Wednesday, September 21.

White Ribbon accreditation is awarded to organisations which have taken steps to eradicate gender-based violence within their locality.

It also indicates a willingness to develop a positive culture where men are allies and women feel empowered towards their greatest potential.

The motion on the council’s agenda states: “Violence against women, whether it occurs directly within or outside an organisation, is a serious prevalent and preventable issue.

“Regardless of size, all organisations can be White Ribbon accredited and can make a real difference through their staff, their policies, and their day-to-day work; as well as their role within the communities in which they are based.”

As a White Ribbon accredited organisation, the town council would need to demonstrate an ongoing and sustained commitment to preventing male violence against women.

Areas that would be examined include communications, HR policies, employee development, training, and overall organisational culture.

At least one senior leader at the council must also take on the responsibility of becoming a White Ribbon ambassador or champion.

White Ribbon accreditation would cost the council £300 annually.