WARM hubs could be open to Cheshire West residents this winter, to give people a safe space to keep warm amid rising energy costs.

Danny Bond, from Winsford, contacted Cheshire West and Chester Council to suggest warm hubs be provided across the borough after the increase in the cost of the living and the impact this will have on households during the winter months.

The council has since responded and said it is ‘in the process of developing a plan’ which will be communicated to residents once confirmed.

Danny explained: “The warm spaces would be where residents can meet, discuss concerns, or just have a general chat, where they can keep warm and feel safe rather than be faced with stark choices at home - or worse riding buses to keep warm, as people have done before.

 “I have suggested to the council that the library at Winsford and - if it is feasible - to temporarily reopen the Dingle Centre which is currently unused and empty to perform this function.

“I have also asked if they were to adopt my suggestion for this emergency, they could publicise this widely in advance of the slow march to winter to reduce the stress and anxiety felt by many already.

“People are suffering now, and it is only going to get worse.

“Especially when you consider that the next price hike is due in October when most people are a couple of pay days away from Christmas, and again in January, just after New Year’s, which will be unimaginable.”

A spokesperson from Cheshire West Council said: “The council is in the process of developing a plan to provide warm spaces that can be accessed by residents across the borough this winter.

“Details will be announced on our website and communicated to our communities when confirmed.
“A cost of living support page on the council website provides a list of useful information to help residents who may be worried about the rising costs of energy, food and transport: cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/costofliving.”