POLICE have confiscated booze from four youths who climbed onto the roof of an abandoned building in Northwich.

The youths jumped over a fence on David Street into the grounds of the former Castle Leigh Centre building on Tuesday night (August 16)

When officers arrived at the scene, the four youths were all on the roof of the building.

The underage drinkers had cider and a bottle of AU Blue Raspberry Vodka taken off them and provided the two PCSOs with their details before being told to leave the scene.

In a Facebook post, Winnington and Castle Police warned about the dangers of entering or climbing onto the roofs of unsafe buildings.

“Last night Lee (Davenham PCSO) and Simon (Hartford PCSO) were called to David Street in regard to youths going into the abandoned building.

“PCSO Lee jumped the fence (the same access point youths are using) and found four youths on the roof of the building.

“They were asked to leave the area - which they complied with - and all details were given by the youths that were requested by Lee and Simon.

“Also, alcohol was taken off them due to the fact they were underage.

“Lee will be in touch with Amanda (your local PCSO) and PC Anderson to see if patrols can be undertaken around the area along with the council to board the building up again.

“We do ask if you do see any youths jumping the fence (from the social club side) see any youths around the building or hear any youths in the building please contact 101, as this building is unsafe.

“And we do ask if you know of anyone who goes into this building, please remind them of the dangers that come with this.”