PLANS have been submitted to repair and rebuild the chimney attached to a historic primary school to ensure the safety of the building, its pupils and its staff.

Antrobus St Mark's CE Primary School is seeking permission from Cheshire West and Chester Council to rebuild its chimney which is currently in a poor condition.

The school, which opened in 1844 and is a locally listed building, is looking to rectify the issue urgently as a failure of the chimney would endanger its occupants and another nearby building.

A heritage statement, prepared by Lancaster Maloney on behalf of the applicant, adds the School Lane building is also in breach of legislation which requires school premises be 'maintained to a standard such that the health, safety and welfare of pupils are ensured'.

It says: "The existing brick chimney to the left of the main building is in poor condition and requires immediate repair and rebuilding to ensure the safety of the school and adjacent property.

"The chimney is to be carefully taken down and rebuilt in matching brickwork with the addition of a traditional chimney pot.

"The works have been identified during a recent health and safety audit as a high priority health and safety issues including breaches in legislation.

"The school has identified the rebuilding works are a priority and failure of the existing chimney would endanger the safety of the occupants and adjacent property.

"The failure would lead to the closure of the school and disrupt to education and impact teaching and learning."

To view and comment on the plans, search reference 22/02272/FUL on the council's online planning portal.