A NORTHWICH charity has been awarded a grant of almost £5,000 to help Lostock Community Centre develop its learning resources.

Voluntary Action Vale Royal (VAVR) has received a rural delivery grant' of £4,978 towards the cost of installing eight computers and other learning tools at the centre, which are hoped to be up-and-running by April.

VAVR will also use the funds to run seven hours of accredited courses a week.

This will help people over 16, particularly parents of young children and school leavers, to take up new learning opportunities and get qualifications. It is part of a project costing almost £15,000.

Arthur Neil, chief executive of VAVR, said: "We saw a need in the area to help promote learning with families.

"What we are doing is basically a miniature version of what we do in Northwich and Winsford but helping a rural area where people don't have as much access to these facilities."