SCOUTS from across Cheshire have risen to new heights to achieve their climbing badges.

The members - from Knutsford, Northwich and Warrington - have completed a series of indoor and outdoor challenges to gain that all-important badge.

The course, which was run by the Mid-Cheshire hill walking and climbing Scouts Active Support Unit (SASU), took place over three sessions. 

At the indoor climbing wall at 5th Knutsford Scout Hall, the group of fourteen scouts learnt basic climbing skills, how to look after equipment and became familiar with the calls and safety required in climbing.  

The scouts then put these skills into practice with a series of climbs and abseils at Tegg’s Nose Country Park near Macclesfield, and at Windgather Rocks in the Peak District. 

Ali Comline, assistant district commissioner for activities, Knutsford District, said: “We are really pleased that after the pandemic we were able to return to offering scouts the opportunity to learn more about climbing and gain their climbing badges.” 

Edward, a Scout with the 1st Hartford group, added: “I am really pleased I could do this course; it took me out of my comfort zone and challenged me – I had so much fun.” 

The scouts came from ten different scout troops from three different districts in Cheshire; Mid Cheshire, Warrington East and Knutsford. 

Darren Gorst, district commissioner (DC) for Mid Cheshire said: “It is fantastic to see these scouts participate in a specialist course and more importantly enjoy themselves.

“They’ve been able to use the opportunity to learn new skills and meet other scouts from outside their troops.” 

Lisa Grady, DC for Warrington East said: “These opportunities would not be available without the specialist skills and knowledge in the Climbing SASU.

“These volunteers give up their time to pass on their knowledge and encourage the young people in our communities.” 

Neil McAleece, DC for Knutsford, continued: “This activity is a perfect example of what scouting is about, the happiness on these scouts faces shows how much they have enjoyed this event.”