AS Boris Johnson quite his role as Prime Minister calling it 'the best job in the world' two councillors from Northwich and Winsford have had their say.

Having finally succumbed to the mounting pressure that engulfed him this week, Johnson finally announced he will bow out from life at Number 10.

He will remain as Prime Minister until a successor is in place, which is expected to be by the time of the Conservative Party conference in October.

Speaking about the news, The Guardian asked two councillors from two towns represented by both sides of the political divide for their view.

Northwich Town Mayor, Cllr Graham Emmett, summed up his thoughts on the matter quoting one of those whose resignation this week forced the PM’s hand.

He said: “I can only quote the words from the resigning Health Secretary, Sajid Javid’s speech, who expressed the sentiment that many of us feel today.

“It doesn’t matter what your political perspective is, institutions and integrity are both central pillars that underpin our great democracy. 

The public expects us, all of us, to maintain honesty and to maintain integrity in whatever we do.

And now this week, again we have reason to question the truth and integrity of what we’ve all been told. And at some point, we have to conclude that enough is enough.

“I believe that point is now.”

Meanwhile, Cllr Michael Baynham, who represents the Over and Verdin ward in Winsford, offered up his only personal view on the matter.

“These are my personal views on the matter and do not represent the local party and Conservative leadership views,” he said.

“The Prime Minister has delivered Brexit, steered the country through two years of a pandemic and has pushed through a levelling up agenda which Winsford will benefit from.

“As a Conservative I am proud of all those things.

“It is now time for a change of leadership to make sure the Government is focused on the economy in these difficult times.

“Like many other party members, my decision on who will be the next leader will be made on a balance of information which will be available over the next weeks.”