“THANK you to everyone who has continued to support me and the little community we have built together.”

Sharon Power at Power Fitness, Northwich, was crowned your Best Fitness Instructor winner earlier this week, as part of our Best of 2022 competition in the Northwich Guardian, Knutsford Guardian, and Winsford and Middlewich Guardian.

Sharon received so many votes for making people feel welcome at her classes – which cover a whole range including Zumba, Clubbercise, Pilates and Yoga.

And all this is while juggling time with her family and a full-time job.

One client who nominated Sharon said: “The whole ethos is 'fitness for all levels'.

“She’s a mum and has another day job so this would be well-deserved win.”

Northwich Guardian:

Sharon’s journey as a fitness instructor originally began in 2006 when she opened a dance school.

“I had it for 13 years,” she explained.

“But I decided not to reopen it after Covid to spend more time with my family.

“It was very sad because I’d watched the children grow up.

“But sometimes you’ve just got to take a step back and have that balance.”

Sharon started off doing Zumba 11 years ago, and her extensive programme of classes started to grow from there.

This includes Clubbercise in the dark with glow sticks.

Northwich Guardian:

“It’s perfect for anyone who is a bit self-conscious about being seen, because it’s in the dark,” she explained.

“Zumba helps wellbeing because it’s uplifting.

“People don’t realise how many calories they're burning in that hour – it really is exercise in disguise.”

There is also a low impact Zumba option which proves popular for those new to the classes or recovering from injury and getting back into exercise.

Sharon is also qualified in Pilates and has been offering yoga classes for six years, helping people to switch off and relax.

Northwich Guardian:

After finding out she had won our Best Of fitness category, Sharon said: “A massive thank you to everyone who has continued to support me and the little community we have built together.

“Because I’ve always done community classes, I don’t just turn up, do the class and then walk out – I do connect with these people, that’s the kind of relationship you build when you’ve got community classes.

“Over the years we’ve raised so much for charity too - £160,000.

"Without them I wouldn't still be running my classes."