WITH street parties, barbecues and family fun days planned, we all have our fingers crossed for dry weather this jubilee weekend.

Although it has been a cool and unsettled start to the week, the Met Office says this will make way for a largely dry latter half, with a chance of isolated showers for some.

Here is the weather forecast for Cheshire from Thursday, June 2, to Sunday, June 5.

Forecasts are subject to change.

Thursday, June 2 – Highs of 19 degrees and lows of 11 degrees

7am: 10, sunny

10am: 15, sunny

1pm: 18, cloudy

4pm: 19, cloud/sun

7pm: 18, cloud sun

10pm: 14, cloudy

Friday, June 3 – Highs of 19 degrees and lows of 10 degrees

7am: 13, cloudy

10am: 17, cloudy

1pm: 18, cloudy

4pm: 19, cloudy

7pm: 18, cloudy

10pm: 14, cloudy

Saturday, June 4 – Highs of 18 degrees and lows of 10 degrees

7am: 11, cloudy

10am: 14, sunny

1pm: 17, cloud/sun

4pm: 18, cloud/sun

7pm: 17, cloud/ sun

10pm: 13, clear

Sunday, June 5 – Highs of 19 degrees and lows of 11 degrees

7am: 11, cloud/ sun

10am: 14, sunny

1pm: 17, cloud/sun

4pm: 18, cloud/sun

7pm: 17, cloud sun

10pm: 14, partly cloudy