A HOUSE at a historic 100-year-old stable yard is set to be converted into six apartments.

Chamberlain Developments applied to Cheshire West and Chester Council for planning permission to transform the site, which is located at the junction of Chester Road and Tarporley Road in Delamere.

The plans would see six self-contained two-bed apartments created within a corner dwelling house on the site.

A new vehicular access to the site from the highway was also proposed. 

Work to convert the building can now began after council planners approved the application earlier this month.

An earlier application for equestrian buildings at the site to be converted into eight dwellings had previously been approved in July 2018.

A design and access statement, written by SBS Design Architects on behalf of the applicants, says: "Since the original approval, the site as a whole, including the corner dwellinghouse has been purchased by the applicants.

"This application seeks consent to convert the dwellinghouse into six self-contained apartments, incorporating the landlocked portion of the site into a comprehensive residential development, taking advantage of the larger site area to include:

  • a new entranceway situated further from the busy road junction
  • ample on site car parking
  • private garden/allotment areas and communal open space
  • designated refuse and recycling area
  • designated cycle storage

"The proposal seeks to provide self contained dwellings each having an individual ground floor entrance and to sub-divide the interior without significant structural alteration or diminution of the larger residential spaces of the former dwelling.

"The significant alteration proposed being the removal of the wrap-around addition to the south east corner and its replacement with a subordinate two-storey side extension.

"It should be noted that the boundary features fronting Tarporley Road which are Grade II listed are to remain untouched by these proposals.

"It is intended to resite the principal site access to remove the location away from the busy junction of Tarporley and Chester Roads, thus improving highway safety both for residents of the site and other road users."

Two parking spaces are planned per apartment, with provision being made for visitor and disabled parking at the site.

In a report recommending the application be approved, a council officer said: "Subject to planning conditions and taking into account all material consideration it is considered the proposed development would have not harm the significance of the listed gates or the locally listed buildings or stables and the development would not cause undue harm to neighbouring amenity, biodiversity, drainage or impact highway safety."

For more details on the plans, search reference 20/02693/FUL on the council's online planning portal.