RESIDENTS living in and around Northwich have been advised to be extra vigilant following a spate of attempts to access back gardens.

Davenham and Moulton police officers said there had been a number of incidents in recent weeks.

Having spoken to residents over the past couple of months, officers said they had been surprised by the lack of simple steps taken to secure their homes and property.

Police said: "Over the past few weeks there has been a number of incidents reported to us where someone has tried to gain access to or attempted to get into the property (back gardens).

"Speaking to residents these past few months it is quite surprising how many people still leave back doors open and unlocked as well as gates and sheds unlocked.

"We do advise to keep yourself safe, that you ensure that your property is secure.

"By locking back doors and gates to property and sheds with valuables inside are locked as well."

Officers also reminded residents not to leave keys in doors, commenting, "We advise you to take them out of the door and keep in a safe, rememberable location."