HERE are the latest Covid-19 rates across Cheshire West and East.

According to figures released by Public Health England, 973 new cases were recorded in the two boroughs between 4pm on January 23 and 4pm today.

This is made up of 437 cases in Cheshire West, taking the total number of cases in the borough since the pandemic began to 86,468.

In Cheshire East, there were 536 new cases, with the borough's total now standing at 92,318.

These latest figures mean 3,612 people have now tested positive for Covid in Cheshire West in the last week.

The borough's seven-day case rate is 1050.5 per 100,000 of the population.

A total of 3,918 people tested positive in Cheshire East during the same period, taking the borough's case rate to 1,013.3.