DO you know a Jones, Smith or a Williams family?

The chances are, you probably do as the most popular surnames in Cheshire have been revealed.

If not though, don’t worry, as Forebears, a family history research website, has published a complete list of the most common names in Cheshire.

So, we thought we would put together a list of the top 20 based on the 2014 data with the number next to each name representing how many people have that surname.

  1. Jones 15,485
  2. Smith 10,592
  3. Williams 8,090
  4. Davies 7,549
  5. Taylor 6,496
  6. Roberts 6,130
  7. Hughes 5,507
  8. Johnson 5,243
  9. Evans 5,122
  10. Brown 4,725
  11.  Jackson 3,792
  12.  Edwards 3,747
  13.  Robinson 3,693
  14.  Wright 3,652
  15.  Wilson 3,541
  16.  Walker 3,391
  17.  Clarke 3,351
  18.  Shaw 2,944
  19.  Thomas 2,944
  20.  Thompson 2,890

The full list that displays the top 200 can be found here