A NEW driving instructor safety programme has been launched to cut the number of young drivers being killed or seriously injured.

The Engage Partnership brings together Cheshire and Merseyside local authorities, Cheshire and Merseyside Police, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Merseyside Road Safety Partnership and local Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs).

The new Engage website will enable ADIs to sign up to become an Engage instructor and easily access the high quality training and a range of resources to use during their usual driving lessons.

Engage’s mission is to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads.

It is an educational programme for young and new learner drivers, specifically designed to increase the learner’s ability to cope with topics that are critical to the safety of new drivers, their passengers and other road users.

Councillor Karen Shore, Cheshire West and Chester Council deputy leader and cabinet member for environment, highways and strategic transport, said: “Young drivers usually start out with good intentions to drive safely but their sensible approach may be tested when faced with difficult or unfamiliar situations.

Cllr Karen Shore

Cllr Karen Shore

Cllr Karen Shore

“The Engage programme teaches important topics that are not taught in traditional driving lessons. Topics include dealing with distractions, fatigue, speed, car maintenance and peer pressure. All of which are considered contributory factors in road traffic collisions.

“Engage Instructors ensure they have the coping strategies to help them deal with these.”

Engage does not have any additional costs for learners but the benefits of using an Engage instructor could be priceless.

Since 2012 Engage has been busy building a community of ADIs across Cheshire and Merseyside to help keep their skills and knowledge up to date.

This has proved to be invaluable support over the last year in lockdown as the Engage community continued to meet online with presentations from experts in their field, monthly quizzes and helpful advice.

Now lessons and tests have resumed, the council is urging all Cheshire ADIs to sign up to become an Engage Instructor. The programme helps to prepare young drivers for the crucial period after they have passed their driving test, when they are most vulnerable and most collisions occur.

All training material is delivered by Ian Edwards who helped to develop the scheme. Ian is an international consultant in driver education and training and at the forefront of coaching/client centred learning.

Ian said: “Engage gives instructors new tools and new ideas to support learners to stay safe in their first few months of solo driving.”

To find your nearest Engage instructor delivering the scheme visit engagedriving.co.uk.

Approved Driving Instructors interested in becoming an Engage registered instructor can find out more details at engagedriving.co.uk or contact Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Road Safety team at roadsafety@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk.