A NORTHWICH Women's Institute has celebrated its 70th anniversary with a 1950's style afternoon tea.

Bostock and District WI was formed in 1951 and the current members held a celebration on Tuesday, May 25 to mark the occasion, wearing outfits from the decade.

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Cheshire Federation of Women’s Institutes (CFWI), established in 1920, is the largest Federation in the country with around 200 WI’s covering Cheshire and the Wirral.

It was the first time the women had met in person for more than a year, after holding monthly meetings exclusively via Zoom for most of the last 15 months.

Northwich Guardian: Bostock and District WI members Alison, Jenny and Ruth

Bostock and District WI members Alison, Jenny and Ruth in their 1950's inspired outfits

For President Christine Bennett, the celebration was the opportunity to catch up with life long friends, with the event also being held in a marquee in the grounds of her home, the Riverside Organic farmshop, just outside Davenham.

She said: "I've been a member for 46 years.

"In the old days it was very regimented and you had to stick to all the rules and regulations.

"Whereas, as in life today, things have relaxed a lot more.

"We've done a bit of everything, we've played sport, made cakes, we've made the usual jams and things.

"But we were also one of the first WI's in Cheshire to use Zoom."

The virtual meetings have been taking place last February and a leap into the 21st century was embraced by members as a way to maintain their vitally important social links.

"We've only got two members who couldn't join in with the Zoom meetings," Christine added.

"We've really enjoyed it because everybody was desperate to talk to somebody.

"But although we've seen each other on the screen, it's not quite the same and it's so nice to be back together today."

There is further change afoot for the institute as they are also moving from their previous home at Moulton Methodist Chapel after its closure and will be based at the British Legion there from now on.

Christine explained: "It's really good for us because it's only around the corner.

"They've also been very accommodating to us as they've kept our slot open even though we haven't actually been able to meet there in person as of yet.

"We're looking forward to getting going again.

"We have some great speakers and in August we have what we call a garden meeting, where we go out somewhere."

Northwich Guardian: The Bostock and District WI celebrated 70 years

The Bostock and District WI celebrated its 70 year anniversary with afternoon tea on Tuesday

Nationally, the Women's Institute movement continues to grow and expand, and for Christine, she would like to see more of the younger generation become involved.

"It is difficult, but as we get going again it would be nice to encourage some youngsters to come in," she said.

"We're not the old fuddy duddies we used to be.

"It's not all jam and Jerusalem.

"We have good fun and enjoy each other's company.

"We have some excellent speakers and demonstrations about how to make different things.

"It's a social event and they're your friends for life.

"You know if you need help you can ring someone from the WI."