BEE lovers are swarming around the Government after it authorised the use of pesticides harmful to pollinators.

Northwich MP Mike Amesbury is backing the 170-plus constituents who wrote to him opposing the emergency use of neonicotinoid pesticides in England’s sugar beet fields.

There are fears this exceptional use could later become commonplace.

Mike said: "Bees are essential to the future of our planet, to pollinating our crops and to our rich tapestry of biodiversity.

"Yet, in the UK, 13 bee species are extinct and now one in ten of Europe’s wild bee species are under threat."

Mike criticised the Government for giving back-word over a promise to uphold an EU ban on neonicotinoid pesticides post-Brexit.

He continued: "These pesticides are seriously harmful to Britain's dwindling bee populations and will further damage biodiversity.

"Bee health is non-negotiable and that is why I am urging the Government to reverse its decision and uphold the ban on neonicotinoids."

Northwich Guardian: Northwich MP has received plenty of letters from his consituents about the use of harmful pesticides.

The Northwich MP has received plenty of letters from his consituents about the use of harmful pesticides.

Mike understands sugar beet farmers are experiencing ‘a difficult time’ with crop blight.

"However, lifting the ban is not the answer," he added.

"Better support for the sector, accelerating the introduction of blight-resistant crops and allowances for crop loss to be included in next year’s sugar contracts are all required."

The pesticide was only authorised to be used under strict condition with media reports indicating it won’t now be used this year after recent cold weather killed off virus-transmitting aphids.

But Mike concluded: "In my view, the Government’s decision seems like a worrying indication that it could roll back other hard-won environmental gains following the UK leaving the EU."