MORE than 100 letters of objection have been lodged against plans to build industrial and office units in Wincham.

The plans, brought forward by McCombie Construction Ltd, would see 14 industrial units and offices built on land off Heath Lane — near Witton Albion Football Club.

However, scores of nearby residents have raised concerns over the extra traffic the scheme would create — which are shared by Cheshire West and Chester Council.

On the bid, Tony Lungley, CWAC Highways Officer, commented: “The proposal involves vehicular access off Chapel Street along Heath Lane and into the site.

“It is considered that the proposed development when operational will generate increased vehicle movements leading to an adverse impact on the Chapel Street junction and Heath Lane that cannot fully and safely accommodate two-way traffic and pedestrian movements.

“Specific general industrial use is not known at this stage, however, it is felt that the Chapel Street junction and Heath Lane is in its current state unsuitable for the B1 office and B2 general industrial uses proposed without significant improvements to the junction and the lane.”

According to McCoombie, seven new commercial buildings and associated parking will be built, which will each comprise two self-contained units ‘incorporating a workshop area, office, and amenity space’.

On access, developers write in a design and access statement: “The proposal involves using the current Heath Lane vehicular access from Chapel Street into the site, with new sections of access road formed to each building.

“The proposed building is to have an accessible entrance to each unit with a level threshold from the car park externally creating accessibility throughout the building. The proposal does not reduce or limit access for emergency services.”

Residents can view the plans on CWAC’s planning portal using reference ‘20/03447/OUT’.