Sadly, our hair and beauty salons have had to close their doors, to help to protect the communities from spreading the virus, in line with the Government’s plea for us to stay home and stay safe.  

For many who love regular in salon beauty treatments, another lockdown will fill you with dread. Fear not, as I hope to guide you through some tips to keep on top of things in your own home, and hope to add a little beauty cheer. 

A winter lockdown may for some feel worse than the summer lockdown, as we don’t have the lovely sunshine, and it may be cold and raining.  

It is all too easy to stay inside and not exercise. This is a time to make sure that you and your family, if you are able to, get some daily fresh air.  

If you are unable perhaps just being in your garden.  Exercise will have a positive effect on your mental health and physical wellbeing. It is also good to get your teens off their devices and screens too. They may be reluctant, but it is good to insist on this for their own wellbeing.

Keep up a good skincare routine and like in the first lockdown, let your skin enjoy more time being makeup free where you can. 

For children or teenagers suffering with acne and who wear too much makeup to cover it up, use this opportunity to give the skin a rest and instead encourage them to use a corrective face mask and cleanse thoroughly. 

Create a routine to follow during the week and then a different routine for the weekend.  

You could have a pamper evening at the weekend, use your face mask and foot mask while watching a movie, or have a nice aromatherapy bath and do your finger and toe nails.  
Remember to do your weekly body scrub.

A good routine for your feet, is to exfoliate them and give them a good soak, add some suitable essential oils for the foot bath. Gently push back your cuticles, shape the nails with a nail file. 
Use a pumice or a foot file to remove hard skin. 
Appy a suitable foot cream and oil your cuticles.  

Maybe give your nails a rest from nail varnish until the spring, and focus on nourishing and hydrating your nails instead, so that they are healthy and eventually summer ready.   
If you do have weak nails that split, then apply a repairing base coat.

If you suffer with unwanted  facial hair, get advice from your regular therapist, or research some home kits. 
For those gents who suffer from ingrown hairs and shaving rashes, give your skin a few days off from shaving, exfoliate gently and remember to moisturise, use a moisturising face mask at least twice a week, to keep your skin in tip top condition.

Winter time can be a real struggle for skins that suffer with acne rosacea.  

The changes in temperature from cold outside and then the heat from central heating indoors can cause big flare ups.  
Winter can be a very busy time for treating such problems in the salon, and the equipment and treatment programmes can help to keep rosacea flair ups at bay.  

If this a problem that you suffer with, follow a meticulous skin care routine, use the blue light if you have an LED mask.  
Remember to use your daily and weekly skin care routines recommended by your specialist, and don’t hesitate to get advice if it is a problem.  

Avoid triggers such as spicy foods and alcohol during flair ups.

Top Tips for winter wellbeing

  • Stay positive: Negativity breeds negativity, try and support each other, set yourself achievable goals to stay motivated. It may be to walk a mile a day or build up to running a 5K; to get to bed early each night or stick to  skin care routine.
  • Have a routine: It makes the home feel stable and if you feel calm this will make you feel better and hopefully have a positive influence on the rest of the family.
  • Keep up a good skincare routine: Aim for your skin to look great for when we can all mix.
  • It’s ok to have a low day: Just remember tomorrow is another day and make yourself move on. Try and do something to make yourself smile, maybe watch your favourite movie or read a good book.
  • Exercise: Encourage all the family to get their quota of exercise, it’s good for your health and wellbeing and great for your skin. Exercise can really uplift you all.
  • See this lockdown as an opportunity to get looking great for the summer. The work that you put in now will really pay off for summer.
  • Treat yourself to a weekly manicure and pedicure at home: OK, so it is DIY but your hands and feet will thank you for it. Remember to keep on top of hard skin on the heels and you will be sandal ready in no time.
  • Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep will leave you feeling demotivated and grumpy and can also lead to poor food choices. Discourage your teen from gaming into the early hours. Lack of sleep leads to a dull skin, dark circles under the eyes and can also effect your immune system.  
  • Drink plenty of water: Avoid the sugary drinks and too much caffeine. Your skin will thank you.
  • Use your home care facial device: If you have a cryo roller or an LED face mask or any other home care devise, get in the habit of using it.  Your skin will benefit. If your teen is feeling down and missing their friends, then having  poor skin will not make them feel any better.
  • Talk: If you are feeling low, call someone who you know well and trust, a problem shared is often a problem halved, a chat with some you care about can lift your spirits.