Let us ring in the Bells

Let us ring in the Bells with good cheer,

And wish each other a Happy New Year,

Let us not forget those at this time who are going without the things we take for granted,

Let us not forget those whose next year doesn’t start with merriment and wine decanted,

For this past year so many of us have left for their heavenly realm,

No matter how hard we fought, for some Covid did overwhelm,

Yet hope is what we see for the new year and we will carry on with the fight,

Let us defeat this virus that awaits us and never let it out of our sight,

I trust we will live in hope and pray for each others good health,

And no matter what take care of you’re families and yourself,

So ring in the Bells let them chime tonight and bring us the nights peace we so much need,

Let the hope in our hearts set the new year alight with the battle against Covid’s mortal greed,

God bless all of us in our support and love for each other,

Because everyone is a spiritual sister or brother,

Keep all these communities and their foodbanks’ initiative to feed,

Let them thrive where our government has failed to succeed,

So bless this time and the times ahead,

Try and forgive those who have wronged you with words they have said,

Make this new year about love wellness and health,

And pop 2020 back onto a best forgotten shelf...

Roy Richardson, staff nurse mental health services NHS