I hear so many times I’m too old to wear this or I can’t wear that colour because of my age!

The times people have told me that they can only wear a short hair cut as it will make them look younger. Other people can get stuck in a time warp from their youth and are too scared to try a new style or colour of lipstick.

Just because you are used to seeing the colour you wore in your heyday, does not mean that it suits or flatters you now, in fact it can make you look quite dated and age you more.

I was reading an article last year about make up for older women by Katie Freitas-Seitz, titled Wayne Goss on Fighting Ageism in the Beauty Industry. It got me thinking about how beauty and makeup should not be ageist and write off the mature, in fact I think quite the opposite.

It is great to see a person in their later years, to still try and care about their appearance, and carry it in such a confident way, after all they have a wealth of experience behind them.

I think the older generation has a great deal to contribute to society and we should not write people off because of their age. If a person feels good about themselves, it can really enhance quality of life no matter what the age.

You are never too old for skin care

I hear people say many times that they feel they are too late to start a skin routine, or nothing can make their skin look better. It is such a mistake to have a lack of self-worth, when you look after yourself, both health and beauty wise, you can make a difference to the way you look and feel.

You don’t have to be a slave to beauty, but a good methodical skincare routine, tailored to suit your individual skin condition, can make a huge difference. There are some wonderful products that have been proven to reduce fine lines and even wrinkles. Remember skincare isn’t just for women, it is equally important for men too.

Think Young

Keep up with classic trends and styles, and adapt the look to suit yourself, well-tailored clothes that fit in all the right places and the right colours and tones to suit your skin will be a good start.

Concealer, blusher, mascara, and lipstick can create instant radiance. Think about highlighting your favourite features, be it your high cheek bones your great head of hair or enhancing your beautiful eyes.

Work with what you have got, of course we can all improve ourselves in various ways, but confidence can be so attractive and can help you carry off the look that you are trying to create.

Get advice and look at inspirational people for style ideas, this can really prevent you from getting stuck in a rut! Enjoy experimenting with new make up products and clothes.

Look After your appearance

I know that you should never judge a book by its cover, but people do. A well-groomed appearance can give you the edge, so tidy up unruly eyebrows, dress for the occasion and keep on top of your skin care routine. Don’t be threatened by the youth around you, as you can rock your own style.

Don’t fall in to the trap of never wearing certain colours. A lot of people say that they cant wear red, it often isn’t the colour, but the shade of red that doesn’t suit them. Try a colour in different shades before ruling it out.

Top Tips

  • Enjoy life and have fun! OK, so this may be easier said than done during Covid times but see this as an opportunity to experiment with new products, make up and styles before your big reveal. When you look happy it makes you look younger. Spend time with people that make you happy and enrich your life.
  • You are not too old to care for your skin: Looking after your skin can improve the look and condition greatly. Get professional advice if you can to advise the best skin routine for you. Don’t forget to wear your sunscreen.
  • Have a hobby or join community projects: Socialising and feeling part of a community can help you to keep active and you may make new friends too.
  • Keep moving if you are able: If you have underlying health problems, then ask your GP to give you some advice on suitable exercises. Swimming is good as it helps to support our joints. Remember to exercise your brain too. Learning new things, doing puzzles, reading, even mentoring a younger person if you have a particular talent.
  • Look after your health: Get regular health checks. Eat a healthy diet and avoid processed foods, unhealthy fats, refined sugars and keep your salt intake low. Look after your teeth by regular dental checks and visits to the hygienist, not only does healthy teeth and gums help with your health, but an attractive smile will also keep you looking younger.
  • Keep stress levels low: Spending time with loved ones and talking regularly with friends can help. Maintain a good sleep routine and make sure that you are getting enough quality sleep.
  • Combat ageism: Don’t let age stop you trying new things such as a sport or activity as long as you are well enough to do so. Don’t let age hold you back and have fun. The way you are may help to inspire others.
  • Maintain a good posture: Keeping a straight back and not hunching your shoulders, will not only make you look better but will help prevent health problems associated with poor posture.
  • Look for important ingredients for anti-ageing in products: Ingredients such as Hylaluronic Acid, Niacinimide, Vitamin C or Retinol are just a few that may be good for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Contact a dermatologist or a skin expert for advice to find the best product for you. Remember sunscreens too.

Don’t let age deprive you of enjoying life, try and live life to the best you can, it is not easy during Covid, but you can use this time to plan the things you want to do and experiment with some fresh styles or beginning a new skincare regime.