LOCKDOWN has scuppered Northwich Town Council’s plans for Remembrance this Sunday.

Last month, the council agreed on a scaled down programme for the occasion, with coronavirus cases on the rise at the time.

But with England entering a national lockdown today until December 2, the plans have again had to be changed.

Cllr Kevin Rimmer, mayor of Northwich, said: “It is unfortunate that we have had to curtail Remembrance this year as I know this is a poignant time for many people. 

“Our priority must be keeping people safe and as we all continue to comply with the current lockdown restrictions. 

“We can be confident that we are doing all in our power to help stop the virus from spreading, and our sincere hope is for better days as we approach 2021.”

The town council had already agreed not to hold a parade this year, but now it will also no longer be able to hold a Remembrance service in St Helen’s Church as planned, or observe the two-minute silence as it had wished to do.

There will be a laying of wreaths by senior dignitaries and Cllr Rimmer, which will take place some time on Sunday in memory of those who have served in all conflicts and who continue to serve in Her Majesty’s Forces.

A short prayer will be said by Rev. Andrew Ridley of St. Helen’s Church.

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A town council spokesman added: “On behalf of St. Helen’s Church, The Royal British Legion and Northwich Town Council we can only apologise for the short notice given under the present circumstances we are left with no choice. 

“We thank you for your understanding.”