Over the past two weeks I have been writing about some salon treatments that can be done yourself in the comfort of your own home, and so far, I have talked about Cryo rollers and LED face masks.

I have also recognised that salon treatments tend to be more intense and generally achieve better results, but some home treatments can boost the skin in between your salon treatments or help to maintain the skin if you are unable to attend your salon for your usual skin programme.

Today I am going to explore microneedling sometimes known as dermarollering, which is a cosmetic procedure that uses small needles to prick or puncture the skins surface, the slight injury is designed to stimulate collagen production for a firmer and smoother skin. Generally microneedling is used on the face but can also be used on certain areas of the body too.


Microneedling can help to reduce fine lines and firm and tone the skin, due to the stimulation of collagen production. This procedure can be excellent in improving the appearance of and reducing acne scars. This procedure can really help to improve the texture of the skin and give it a more even look by reducing brown spots. Following this treatment, the skin can look plumper and more radiant.

The use of microneedles with certain products and serums such as hyaluronic acid can increase their penetration through the little punctures in the skin and increase their efficiency.

Although microneedling can obtain good results on our faces, equally it can work on areas of the body and can be very good for treating stretch marks, only if they are still pink, you don’t get the results on old stretch marks that have lost their colour. This treatment can also be used to improve the appearance of cellulite, although not a complete cure for it. It can also be used on the upper arms to help to prevent the skin from sagging. I have used microneedles on the back of clients hands to give the hands a youthful look, particularly when I am doing a course of age spot reduction to hands.

Scars can be treated with microneedling but works much better on depressed scars and not raised, due to the stimulation of collagen. People who suffer from keloid scars must not have microneedling. Make sure your wound has fully healed if treating a surgical or burn scar, check with a doctor or skin specialist to make sure that you do the treatment when it is safe and appropriate.

Remember the results from microneedles will not just happen overnight, and it can take months to fully reap the benefits.

Northwich Guardian:


Although microneedling is a safe procedure for most if administered correctly, there are some safety precautions to be aware of.

  • If you are not in good health, check with a doctor to see if they are happy for you to proceed with the treatment
  • Check if you are on medication that it is safe to use microneedles
  • Do not use when you are pregnant or nursing as the skin can sometimes get uneven pigmentation due to the hormonal changes
  • Do not use on active acne
  • Never use over moles, warts, herpes simplex or any skin infections
  • Avoid this treatment if you suffer from eczema, psoriasis or if your skin is hypersensitive
  • If you are on anticoagulant therapy do not use
  • Always use a sunscreen for up to two weeks following a microneedling to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Diabetics should avoid this treatment due to poor skin healing
  • You should not use microneedles if you suffer from keloid scarring, due to the over production of collagen

Check for all contraindications before you ever have this treatment.


  • Wash your hand thoroughly and ensure the area in which you are working is clean and as sterile as possible
  • Disinfect your dermaroller by soaking it in seventy percent isopropyl alcohol for ten minutes before use
  • Cleanse your face thoroughly, ideally do a double cleanse. Make sure that you remove your cleanse properly. Blot dry your face. If using on the neck and décolleté than cleanse there too. For use on the body, cleanse the area that you intend to treat
  • Apply your serum of choice
  • Start to use your dermaroller over the area you wish to treat, with even pressure and follow the manufacturers instructions. Concentrate on lined or sagging areas, or where sunspots may be present. Work over the skin vertically, horizontally and diagonally
  • Once you have completed treating the chosen areas wait for five minutes before applying your moisturisers. Avoid products that are very active such as retinols as you may get an adverse reaction
  • Clean your roller thoroughly as directed by your manufacturer. Let it air dry and store in a clean container

Your skin will look a bit pink but this should subside, leaving it looking firm and smooth.


  • Dermarollering is better done at night, so that it gives the skin chance to repair and calm
  • Always follow the health and safety instructions of the manufacturer
  • Choose the right serum for your skin to use with the microneedles. Use a good quality Vitamin C or Hyaluronic acid serum to enhance your results
  • Always clean your roller thoroughly before and after use
  • Store your dermaroller in a clean hygienic container as directed by the manufacturer and store in a safe place out of the reach of children
  • Choose needles that are under .3mm, .25 is often a good choice
  • Research your brand to find a good product to suit you
  • Start by using your roller once a week and as the skin strengthens, increase your usage gradually up to three times a week. Some people can use it up to five times a week
  • Never ever share your micro needles
  • Avoid makeup after use
  • Try not to keep touching your skin once your treatment is complete and if you need to make sure your hands are clean
  • Dispose of your dermaroller safely and responsibly.

The in salon treatments tend to get better results than home use kits.

I love the Comcit treatment as it uses microneedles with oxygen, and it makes for a very hygienic, deep, and more comfortable treatment.

Always get advice prior to using dermarollers at home.

Northwich Guardian:

Beautician Emma Wilkinson