MERE View Farm at Pickmere is earmarked for a nutrition bar and yoga studio.

Planning permission is being sought from Cheshire East Council to convert an agricultural building at the farm for the bar and studio.

The conversion would provide training rooms for strengthening and conditioning, Pilates and yoga.

The nutrition bar would cater for people using the training rooms before and after sessions, along with providing a social space for the commercial offices on site to hold informal meetings or take coffee breaks and have lunch during the working week.

A report with the application said the plans would also provide a facility for cyclists passing through Pickmere and provide a focal point for the community which was accessible to residents by walking or cycling.

The report said: “Diversification at Mere View Farm has always been a fundamental part of the business model, and is key for its long-term viability.

“The farm over a number of years has successfully diversified into commercial and residential property, the leisure industry and recreational activity across the holding.

“The agricultural use of the land continues alongside these uses.

“The proposed nutrition bar and yoga studio will support the vitality of the surrounding rural settlement through the expansion and diversification of the wider farm/business complex on site.”

The application proposes 15 car parking spaces, and yoga facilities would be restricted to class bookings.

The report added: “Additionally, the proposed development is focused on attracting cycle users to encourage and support local use of the facilities.

“Therefore, the proposed parking facilities will be sufficient to serve the development.”

The existing access to the site off Park Lane would be used to serve the proposed development.