PLANS to build a two-bedroom home next door to the Newton Brewery Inn have been refused for a third time.

The proposal for the triangle of land, between the pub and 66 Webbs Lane, was deemed 'incongruous' in its design, while also bringing an 'unacceptable' loss of privacy to neighbours. Two similar proposals were rejected by Cheshire East Council in 2017.

This application concerned a detached property among a row of terrace and semi-detached homes, drawing objections from Middlewich Town Council.

Northwich Guardian:

The location plan, outlined in red

Refusing the application for planning permission, a Cheshire East Council planning officer said: "Although the principle of residential development in this location is acceptable, it is considered that the proposal is an unacceptable design which would have a detrimental impact upon the streetscene by reason of its form, siting and appearance.

"The proposal would also adversely impact upon the amenities of Newton Brewery Inn to the north by reason of loss of privacy and 66 Webbs Lane to the south by reason of the oppressive relationship of the proposed dwelling abutting the southern boundary.

"Furthermore, the future occupiers of the proposed development would also be subject to an unacceptable loss of privacy upon their private amenity space when considering the window located within the side-facing elevation of the public house."