RESIDENTS and business owners are calling for CCTV cameras to be fitted on a Northwich street after suffering years of vandalism.

Those who live and work on Navigation Road say they have been blighted by anti-social behaviour for a number of years.

This includes wing mirrors being smashed and scratches being left on cars, which costs hundreds of pounds a year to repair.

To combat this, residents and business owners have now started a campaign to have a number of CCTV cameras installed.

The campaign is being led by resident Lee Siddall, who said: “The residents of Navigation Road have reported numerous crimes of vandalism to police over the years, but this has been to no avail as the police have been under-resourced.

“With no evidence of who committed the crime, the police cannot act and the vandalism continues.

“We are starting this campaign to stop this costly vandalism of resident’s vehicles that some people cannot afford.”

Northwich Guardian:

Lee Siddall (left) and other residents are calling for CCTV cameras to be fitted

Lee continued: “It is illegal for you to drive without a wing mirror on the driver’s side.

“If you do so and are stopped by the police, it can carry a £2,500 fine and three points on your licence.

“When families rely on their car to get to work, this can put great strain on finances.

“Mindless vandalism like this is totally unacceptable and can cost hundreds of pounds to fix.”

Residents are proposing that three CCTV cameras are installed along the street, to act as both a deterrent for future vandalism and in order to keep residents and their property safe.

They will be approaching Cheshire West and Chester Council in coming weeks to find out whether this measure can be implemented.

A spokesperson for CWAC said: “We have not been made aware of any campaign, but if we receive and request from residents, we will look into this and measure it against the required criteria.”