A KINGSMEAD nursery has been rated ‘good’ following its most recent Ofsted inspection.

All individual areas of care at Busy Bees Day Nursery were rated as ‘good’, including meeting the needs of the range of children who attend, contributing to the well-being of the children, and the effectiveness of the leadership and management.

The Ofsted inspector praised the Kingsmead Square nursery's provision of ‘meaningful learning experiences’ and said: “Children develop positive attitudes to their play and they are eager to learn.”

Ofsted also recognised how the manager has devised a carefully constructed curriculum that is rich in language and promotes physical development.

The inspector went on to highlight how children are ‘becoming independent learners’ and praised the ‘robust systems’ that are in place to ensure children's seamless transitions into subsequent rooms in the nursery and the eventual move to school.

They added: “Children's uniqueness is celebrated. All children, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with special educational needs or disabilities, thrive in this fully inclusive environment.”

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Arrangements for safeguarding were said to be effective, with all staff having a good understanding what constitutes a safeguarding concern.

The inspector pointed out that the setting could further improve the quality of provision by supporting parents more effectively to help them extend their children's learning at home.

The report also recommended providing development opportunities for staff to raise teaching and learning even higher.