Of all the questions I am asked in the course of a week ‘Do you do one-on-one training?’ is the most common.

This is something I did for ten years and believe me it is an expensive waste of time.

While I could get the dogs to behave in a calm obedient way quite quickly they inevitably reverted to their previous unruly behaviour once back with their owners.

Dog behaviour is created by the environment in which it lives. In order to change your dog’s behaviour you have to make changes of your own.

A badly behaved dog would respond to my body language and settle down quickly and if it came home with me that improvement would become permanent.

The dogs I visited were not coming home with me but going back into the same environment that had created the problem in the first place.

The only way for any owner or family to change their dog’s behaviour long term is for the owners to be part of an ongoing rehabilitation process carried out among other dogs and people in a realistic environment and that takes time.

Change happens when the owners start to understand and implement changes in their own behaviour.

There is no magic trick.

It’s a long learning curve and you cannot do it in the comfort of your own home.

The best (and cheapest) way to improve your dog’s behaviour is to learn what you must do to make it happen and that takes time BUT the results are permanent.

There will be no slipping back into their old boisterous ways once you know how to deal with it.

I have both indoor and outdoor classes where I can demonstrate and observe you as you work with your dog to implement the changes required for success.

All will be done in a realistic environment with all the normal distractions you encounter on a typical walk.

Text me on 07590 560012 or email me at vicbarlow@icloud.com


By The Dogfather, Vic Barlow