A NORTHWICH teenager who lost the ability to walk is calling on ‘local heroes’ to help her regain her independence.

Winnington teenager Laura Hunt lost the ability to walk five years ago due to the rare disorder, Spastic Paraparesis.

Since then, the 17-year-old has had to rely on other people to push her around in a heavy wheelchair supplied by statutory services.

But what Laura longs for is a lightweight manual wheelchair so she can propel herself around and regain some independence.

Mum Dawn Hunt said: “A new wheelchair will boost Laura’s confidence and her ability to socialize.

“She knows she is different but at the moment she feels awkward and self-conscious, having to rely on others for mobility.

“She has had the opportunity to trial a lightweight wheelchair and she loved the fact that it was extremely easy to propel.

Laura attends the Hebden Green School in Winsford, where other pupils have been provided with wheelchairs through leading children’s disability charity, Newlife Foundation.

The charity has funded 192 equipment grants totaling £339,788 for children in Cheshire – 21 of these, at a cost of £39,656, have been in the first six months of 2013.

A lightweight wheelchair for Laura will cost £2,801, which prompted mum Dawn to turn to Newlife for help with funding.

However, demand on Newlife resources has shot up in recent months and the charity is appealing for ‘local heroes’ to come forward to fundraise or donate towards the cost of equipment for children in their county.

Newlife supports can choose to take on a sponsored sporting challenge, host a coffee morning or cake sale, make and sell handcrafted goods, organise a pub quiz or community car wash, hold a sponsored silence or stage an evening of entertainment.

Newlife CEO Sheila Brown said: “Newlife guarantees that 100 per cent of any gift or donation will go directly to provide Laura with the lightweight wheelchair she needs.

“Any money raised surplus to her requirements will be used to fund equipment for other disabled and terminally ill children in Cheshire.”

If you can help, contact the Newlife Community Fundraising Team on 0800 988 4640.