REFERRING to the letter ‘Dangerous Junction’, in last week’s edition.

I am not sure if the writer is referring to the new junction at Hartford Road and the A556 or the one at School Lane further on, but to call the Hartford Road junction stupid is silly.

Only us humans can be stupid for not paying due care and attention whilst driving a potentially dangerous weapon that can kill.

New homes require access and pedestrians used to put their lives at risk crossing here, before the lights, and now they can do safely.

All too often I see drivers texting, phoning, jiving to music, doing make-up, reading, eating and speeding, all whilst driving this deadly weapon.

We should all be aware of what is going on around us and drive accordingly.

Now the road has changed and lights installed, we should all be paying attention and driving at a safe speed, so that we can avoid collisions or stop quickly in an emergency.

This junction was open for many years and was closed due to accidents of both cars and motorcycles resulting in deaths.

Now the lights have been installed we need to obey the road rules and respect the other drivers and pedestrians.

Road signage should be displayed, prominently of both new lights and the 50mph speed limit, a little better and perhaps the current speed limit be kept in place, or even lowered, when the bridge works, further down the road, have finally finished.

I am sure that this will help the situation.

Meanwhile, don’t be stupid, take care and keep your eyes peeled.

Tony Walker Davenham