THE old adage, one always knows when a politician is lying...their lips move, has never been more apt in the run up to the referendum.

People can see for themselves what has gone wrong with this once great country.

Here are a few facts from a despondent English man: Fact one: We pay millions every week to belong to the EU. It is so corrupt its accounts haven’t been signed off for 20 years.

Fact two: There are thousands of foreign criminals walking the streets whom we can’t deport because of the EU.

Fact three: Our prisons are overflowing with too many foreign criminals.

Fact four: There are thousands of young English people who cannot find any work. They are not workshy, as politicians like to claim.

They can’t find work because of mass immigration.

Fact five: After working for more than 50 years paying into the system, I know I find it difficult to get a simple doctor’s appointment due to so many migrants using the NHS.

Fact six: A new home would have to be built every four minutes just to satisfy migrant numbers in an effort to house all these extra people our countryside and farm land is being used at an alarming rate.

This treacherous government is now talking about handing our green belt over to developers.

Vote out on June 23.

George Mather Address supplied