I AM in no doubt that George Osborne MP for Tatton and Cheshire East council leader Michael Jones are both horrified by the scale of the refugee crisis.

As chairman of the Tatton Liberal Democrats I have written to them to put across the immense strength of feeling of local members that as a nation we are not doing enough to support these people. We are pleased David Cameron has realised he is on the wrong side of public opinion. We welcome the modest expansion of the Syrian Vulnerable Person scheme, but the latest proposals will do nothing for refugees already in Europe.

The UK must reconsider its position to take part in EU talks and agree to shelter a proportionate share of these people.

We urge Cheshire East Council to step up to the plate and offer to house a significant number of refugees.

Cheshire East is one of the most prosperous regions of the UK, it is our moral duty to help.

George Osborne has suggested that the Conservatives plan to divert part of the foreign aid budget to local authorities. We should support our councils in taking in refugees but this money should come from other budgets and not at the expense of the most vulnerable people. By siphoning off our foreign aid budget to local authorities, this government is showing itself to be short-sighted and penny-pinching at a time of international crisis.

Gareth Wilson Chair, Tatton Liberal Democrats