Like your UKIP contributor in February 4 edition, I too have much to be grateful for to the NHS.

He was quite correct in criticising David Cameron's Tory led reorganisation.

The highly respected King's Fund think tank described the reforms as 'damaging and distracting' directly leading to the current crises in the NHS.

UKIP, of course, can make any promises they choose since they know they have no chance of forming the next government.

Only the Labour Party can rescue the NHS since they are the only party with credible, workable and properly costed plans.

In Andy Burnham's recent speech, he outlined Labour's strategy which includes integrated care between home and hospital, and placing a new emphasis on prevention by appointing 5,000 homecare workers to end the 15 minute time slots.

This will save the NHS £1 billion in avoidable hospital admissions.

It will also allow the terminally ill to stay with their families at the end of life and give extra support to those leaving hopsital.

Barbara Keelty Northwich