WITH regards to your report on James Wilding and his issue with the conifer trees he is having.

I live on Blenheim Gardens, just off Beeston Drive, where the old overhall building used to be.

We have lived here for nine years, in that space of time this year was the first time ever that the council has done anything with the lime trees that line the road.

When we first bought the house we were told that they have a TPO on them.

We have since found out that the only reason there is a TPO was to stop the builders at the time squeezing more houses on the land etc.

We haven’t got an issue with the trees, but we have an issue with the lack of maintenance of them and plus, how we couldn’t do anything with them till the council finally agreed to let them be trimmed.

My argument was that they do cause so much blocked light.

Their answer is that it’s not for them to provide light to us, but it makes the house damp and dismal.

Like Mr Wilding, we have the kitchen light on permanently as it’s constantly dark, even when the sun is shining.

On a more depressing note, when it is sunny and glorious outside we can’t sit in the garden much due to the fact the sun is hidden and makes the garden really cold.

We are inundated with wasps due to the sap, and we are also constantly cleaning up, if they aren’t dropping leaves they are dropping yellow flowers, then the seeds, then the sap, then the maggots skydive down on a small web-like thing.

We have asked the council if they can’t chop them a bit more than they have but they can’t because of the TPO.

I have spoken to all the residents and they are all in agreement to try to thin out the trees, take one or two down and plant new ones in another part of the town – maybe near where the civic theatre used to be.

Like Mr Wilding says, environmentally they aren’t helping as we are having to have the electrics on all the time due to the darkness.

Nikki J Haslam Address supplied