Christmas is nearly here. The town lights switch on was a lovely feeling of community.

For now, we are still a people with warmth and festive cheer. The schools and library have done a great job for our children, making things sparkly and fun like they should be for children at this time of year.

One in the eye for George Osborne. Sorry George divide and rule only gets you so far. Still, Labour just needs to sit back now and let George destroy the economy as Nice Guy Dave destroys the Tory party.

If George had ever been unemployed he would not be so quick to brand everyone who is jobless as workshy or lay-in-bed layabouts having a nice cushy life. Sometimes the curtains are closed because people are so depressed they wish they were dead after rejections pile up in the letterbox. Sometimes the blinds are down but the single mum has to get out early in the freezing cold to walk miles with her young child in tow to school because she can’t afford the extortionate Arriva buses.

I wonder where Big Society would be without hard working unemployed people manning charity shops? Digging conservation areas? Litter picking? Fundraising for charity or schools? Befriending those in need? Cooking meals for the homeless? Providing tea and sympathy in hospitals?

Northwich is pretty much a Northern ‘terminal town’ with , no doubt, more loan sharks and pawn shops on the way to profit from the inevitable poverty and misery in April 2013. With so many going out of business, there will be more welfare dependent people year on year.

How about getting people into work through cheaper public transport, affordable childcare, training opportunities, flexible working, decent pay and for adequate hours to support a family?

But I suppose the government would need to care about real people for this to happen and it is far easier to just judge, condemn and vilify instead. Cut away Osborne and I will see you next General Election where I will make a few cuts myself.