TERRA Nova School opened its bi-annual Art and Design and Technology exhibition with a private viewing.

The evening was a showcase of every pupils’ work from nursery children through to Year 8 pupils and beyond.

Jeremy Bournon, director of Art and Design at Repton School, opened the exhibition.

He said: “The work that takes place here are like precious gems that have to be taken out occasionally and polished.

“The standard of work is just so high and the age of the children is certainly not reflected in their ability – some of the work of these youngsters is of the same quality as that of my older, talented students.

“Because of this, we are always excited to receive pupils from Terra Nova at Repton School.”

Headmaster Andrew Lewin added: “The exhibition was truly superb and reflects the hard work and considerable imaginations of both the staff and the children. Our children are fortunate indeed to have such inspiration.”