PRESIDENT May Lawson opened this month’s meeting of the Crosstown WI which was attended by 28 members.

The correspondence was read by secretary Edith Walker which included a thank you message from Janice Shafto for flowers received after her recent hospital surgery.

The autumn meeting will be at Winsford on October 6, where the speaker will be TV personality Anne Diamond.

At the Winsford Academy on October 22 is an evening celebrating 100 years of the WI with a tribute of "Fashion, Facts, Fizz and Fun.".

There will be a group meeting on Saturday October 24 in Plumley Village Hall at 2pm where Richard Prescott will speak on the subject of "A Pantomime Dame".

The meeting continued with a talk by magician Peter Turner on "Magic and Optical Illusions" with a few demonstrations on some volunteer members.

The results of the competition of puzzles were: first, Kate Greenwell; second, Edith Morris; and third, Jean McKinnley. The meeting closed with the raffle draw.