Crowton WI by Diana Evans

Vice President, Jane Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting in the absence of Kathy Baldwin who was attending the Royal Garden Party with member, Beryl Thorne. They had a wonderful time and were very happy to represent Crowton WI in the special Centennial year.

Jane opened the meeting with the sad news that another long standing member, Jeane Manning had recently passed away. Jeane loved her bowls and darts and was a fantastic scrabble player. A minutes silence was held in her memory.

The luncheon club were heading to The Lounge on June 15, there is a bowls afternoon on Wednesday, July 15 at 2pm and there is a trip to The National Arboretum and Lichfield in August. Tickets were on sale for the joint event with Norley WI on September 19

Ken Pye was the guest speaker for the evening, he gave a fascinating and entertaining talk entitled ‘Curious People, Places and Tales of Merseyside’. Ken is a local historian whose passion is Liverpool and he has an expert knowledge of the Liverpool city region and has a wealth of tales about its past, present and future. His talk was presented with insight and passion, combined with an entertaining delivery. He told many interesting facts, Liverpool did not exist in the Doomsday Book and 800 years ago it only consisted of seven streets. Liverpool began to grow when people came from Ireland and other areas looking for a new life. He spoke about a famous Liverpudlian called Dr Samuel Solomon and that one of the most unusual guests at The Adelphi Hotel was Roy Rogers and his famous horse Trigger. Members all enjoyed the talk.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 7 at 7.30pm in Crowton Village Hall. Amanda Glennon is the guest speaker with her talk entitled ‘The Up Side of Downs’. There will also be a special presentation by the Williamson family of ‘The Hilda Williamson Cheshire Show Award’ which will be awarded to a member who does well with their entries in ‘The Cheshire Show’. Visitors and potential new members are always welcome.