Little Leigh WI Jan Whalley

President, Bernadette O’Donnell welcomed members to Little Leigh WI's recent meeting and celebrations for the 100 years of the WI.

Cards and gifts were presented to three members: Dorothy Gibson and Dorothy Harvey who were celebrating special ‘0’ birthdays and Chrissy Watson who was celebrating her ruby wedding anniversary.

Tickets for Gawsworth should be available at the July meeting. The Byley meal at Manor Farm had been enjoyed by all and the booking for 2016 had been made. The May Fair had been another successful day and everyone was thanked for their time and effort.

Elaine Murphy and Bernadette O’Donnell had attended the Palace Garden Party and had enjoyed the experience. Brenda Smith attended the AGM at the Albert Hall on the 4th June.

Names were taken for diaries. A reminder was given for the Produce Show that will held at the next meeting on July 1, staging was from 1–3.

Members night in August will hopefully be a cinema type film event at the Village Hall. Suggestions for possible films were requested, more details to follow. As part of the 100 years celebration, members enjoyed strawberries, cream and shortbread along with sparkling refreshments.

Two quizzes based on the WI were played with the winners enjoying prizes of chocolate. A special celebration cake was cut by one of their oldest members, Marie Halpin.

The next meeting, Produce Show will be on July 1, with speaker Roger Nutter and his talk entitled, 'Gardening for Birds', the competition: photograph taken by you - Wildlife in My Garden, teas: Val Hensby and Chrissy Watson.