PRESIDENT, Bernadette O’Donnell welcomed members to the recent meeting of Little Leigh WI.

A minute's silence was held for long standing member Teresa Morley who had sadly passed away.

She was remembered with great fondness.

Final arrangements for the May Fair were made; the WI banner has been completed; names were taken for the farmhouse meal at Byley and tickets for the WI birthday event at Gawsworth on July 8, have been applied for.

Gladys and Sandra were thanked for participating in the bowls day event.

Judy Townsend was the guest speaker for the evening with her talk entitled ‘Bin bag lady’.

Judy spoke about her life, from being abandoned at birth and left to die in a sack on a rubbish tip in Malaysia in 1949 to how she came to England in the early 1970s and made a career of nursing.

She told members that she had felt ‘richly blessed’ on many occasions during her life.

She was thanked by Carol Ashdown.

Competition, a holiday souvenir: 1. Elsie Evans; 2. Margaret Jones; 3. Bev Antrobus. The raffle was won by Jonty Jones.

The next meeting will be on June 3 when there will be 100th birthday celebrations with strawberries and cream.