WHITLEY Women’s Institute welcomed audiologist Emily Charmer to their March meeting.

Emily gave a very entertaining talk about the intricate workings of the ear, with the smallest and hardest bones of the human body, attached to our ear drum.

These vibrate to the sounds that enter our ear canal, and direct them through our cochlea, which transforms them into nerve impulses, that our brain interprets as sound.

Hearing problems and their solutions were discussed, as well as simple hints to make the most of one of our most valuable sense organs.

The Cheshire Federation informed us that one member from each institute had been invited to a Buckingham Palace garden party to celebrate 100 years of the National Women’s Institute.

A draw will take place at the April meeting.

Upcoming events include afternoon tea at the Belle Époque in Knutsford, a Spanish night with language lessons, Spanish-style food and entertainment, and a visit to Trentham Gardens in May.

Whitley WI is looking for help setting up their new website. Ideally this would be a young person needing experience. Please contact the president if you can help.

All visitors and new members are welcome at meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in Whitley Village Hall.

Further details are available from the president patsysharpy@ hotmail.com Antrobus WI