Weaverham and District gardening club started off the new year with an interesting talk from Mike Cook on gardening with children.

Mike talked from experience as he has two young girls, both interested in getting out in the garden with him. The older one is particularly enthusiastic, intent on dragging her dad out as soon as he is home from work, even when he is not quite so keen himself.

He advises starting when children are young, 3-4 years, and do a little and often. He recommends starting with fruit and vegetables so they can then enjoy eating the results of their work.

Children enjoy planting seeds and seeing the development through all the stages. They can be responsible for looking after plants, learning to water and feed them and can be involved in cooking (and eating) their crops.

School age children can make their own packed lunches using things they have grown themselves.

Gardening can also be a way of introducing children to wildlife in the garden.

Mike encouraged the audience to take photos of all activities throughout the year as a reminder of the things you have done together. He showed pictures of his own children in the garden, planting, watering and harvesting and generally having a good time.

His enthusiasm and success with his children was very encouraging to parents and grandparents in the audience and he sent them away with ideas for the coming gardening year.

Meetings are at 7.30pm on the last Tuesday of the month at University Academy primary school Weaverham. The next meeting is on Tuesday, February 24 when Tom Deans will talk about ‘Pruning Ornamentals’.

Visitors welcome, call 01606 852671 or see www.weaverhamgardeners.btck.co.uk for details.