Cuddington & Sandiway WI members arrived at their recent meeting in best bibs and tucker to find the hall decorated for Christmas, music playing in the background and tables laid with red tablecloths, candles and crackers all organised by President, Jenny Friar, and the committee.

Margaret Dooley and Doreen Ellis were presented with tokens of appreciation for all the hard work they had put in over the years as Secretary and Treasurer. Brenda Makepeace won the competition prize. Members were reminded to complete voting forms for next year’s NFWI resolutions.

Lunch was a substantial buffet with wine, coffee and mince pies. There was a generous raffle with prizes for almost everyone. The caterers were thanked for providing such a good meal.

After the meal, there was entertainment from Jean Finney who gave her one-woman interpretation of Cinderella which included songs, monologues, dressing up and the donning of various wigs. It caused great hilarity and gales of laughter. It was as good as a real pantomime and members went home full of the Christmas spirit, feeling that festivities had already started.

The next meeting will be on January 8, at 2pm in the Village Hall. For more information please call 01606-888446.

Happy Christmas and New Year everyone!